Our Top Tips to get ‘Team Buy In’

So you did all the research, completed a trial, talked to our Sales Team and asked all the right questions. At the end of the process, you decided that ProWorkflow is the new Project Management Tool of your choice. But it’s not all done and dusted.  Moving on, one of the biggest hurdles you are […]

What does ROI in Project Management mean?

When people talk about ROI, they generally refer to a monetary comparison between the one investment versus other options.  A simple look at the formula to calculate ROI in Project Management confirms this.  Yet, improved performance and efficiency can translate in a variety of ways that may or may not result in a difference in size of your […]

How to get a grip on people’s behaviour?

A few days ago, I found myself in a conversation about how there seems to be a one size fits all concept in the corporate world. The reason we got into the topic was because we were talking about remote work and whether we were in favor of it. Very quickly we concluded that it works for […]

Is Project Management still important?

I didn’t think the day I would question the relevance and importance of project management would come. Yet, it did. The lead up to this existential introspective thinking were two rather innocent messages in my Inbox. Both had my attention.  The first one was a rant blog about how project management is riddled with buzzwords and […]

4 Tips to Optimize Team Collaboration

In a world that is increasingly competitive, the pressure is on for businesses.  Unless you run a highly automated business or you operate a one-man band, the way your team interacts with each other is rather important. A team that combines forces on a high level is a certain ticket to success.  So how do […]

Sharing the Simple Joys of Drag and Drop Project Management

If you’re anything like me, your heart skips a beat when software makes the most of ‘Drag and Drop’ features. I mean, what’s easier than ‘grabbing’ what you need and ‘dropping’ it where you want it. Job done.  I originally was introduced to the drag and drop concept by Apple quite some time ago. They called it the ‘Click and […]

How to choose the best project management software alternative?

It’s easy enough to convince anybody of the usefulness of a project management software.  Any company -big or small- that deals with even moderately complex projects on a regular basis can see the time and money that can be saved by streamlining the process. We’re not even talking about the reduction in errors (which your customers will love you […]

Interesting Thoughts on Productivity Improvement Techniques

I bumped into Robert (Bob) Pozen while researching another content piece I was writing. You may have heard of the man before, but I certainly hadn’t. But as soon as I started reading what he had to say, he had my attention.  So who is Robert Pozen and what interesting things does he have accredited to his […]