PWF Quick Tip- Changing your Start Page

We’re all about saving you time at ProWorkflow and what better way than to take you directly to that page you’re after when you log into ProWorkflow! Once logged into your ProWorkflow account: At the top of the page, click on your name next to “Hello”. This will take you to the “My Profile” page. […]

Why Gaining Value from Work is as Important as Giving Value

When I search using the keywords “value” and “work” on the world wide web what I come across quite often are articles like “How do I increase my value as an employee, “8 ways to be a more valuable employee” or “Fifteen ways to show your value at work.” But do we ever consider what […]

PWF Quick Tip- Changing Work View

Ever wanted to know what Rachel was working on this week? Or how about William? ProWorkflow has just the feature! In your ProWorkflow account you have the option to view all, your own or someone else’s work at any time provided you have the permission settings. Once logged into your ProWorkflow account: On the top […]

Don’t get left behind. Your Steps to Success with Project Management.

What is Project Management? Project management is all about different processes, planning, executing work in a team in order to achieve the project objectives. Projects are generally considered successful when they achieve the project objectives according to the budget and time restraints. Project management uses standard methods and techniques in the management process. The company […]

PWF Quick Tip- Project Categories

Tired of seeing all your projects clustered under one category? Don’t worry, ProWorkflow’s got you covered with Project Categories! This feature allows you to set custom categories for your projects. This is often used for separating the different functions that your business performs (for example, web design, print, graphic design) or stages your project might […]

Your Ears Could be the Greatest Weapon in Your Business.

Want to use those ears for the good of your business? Listening is something of second nature. We have ears; therefore we have the sense of sound, and therefore we are listening. Right? What if I told you that you could take that sense of sound to the next level? Effective listening means paying full […]

Did We Just Coin the Term Buoyancy in Business?

What is Buoyancy? Ever wondered how large boats weighing hundreds of tons manage to stay afloat, while small objects like pebbles sink? That’s because of something called Buoyancy. This is the upward force that keeps the object afloat regardless of the weight of the object. Now think of that upward force as a positive mindset. Where […]

FreshBooks and FreshBooks Classic Integration

What’s FreshBooks? FreshBooks is an online financial tracking and invoicing service that saves you time while making your client-facing billing needs look clean and professional. What’s New? FreshBooks is the redesigned version of their cloud-based accounting software: FreshBooks Classic. The new FreshBooks is a whole new product that helps you solve the same problems but […]

PWF Quick Tip: Look’n’Feel

Let’s face it, you log into this tool or perhaps a number of tools every day. Why not make it a little different, a little personal and something that brings a smile to your face every morning. You don’t need to go another day with an uncustomized ProWorkflow account. This PWF Quick Tip goes over […]

Email Signatures

ProWorkflow Email Signatures With the improvements made to Email Notifications recently, you may have noticed a few new options appear in the Notifications Settings menu. One of these settings – the Default Email Signature will apply to notifications sent by people who haven’t set up their own signature in My Profile How should I setup the […]