PWF Quick Tip – ProWorkflow Holiday Theme

As well as having Christmas decorations in your office, it’s a great time to get your ProWorkflow Account in the holiday spirit too! We’ve got a Holiday Theme, which you can easily access. Once logged into Proworkflow: Click on the Settings tab at the top You will be navigated to the Settings Page Under General Settings […]

How to Bring the Christmas Spirit to Your Office

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” It’s that time again! Time to celebrate the end of the year, bask in the joyous occasion, and spread good tidings. What a fantastic opportunity to bring the Christmas spirit to the office! Here are a few tips on how – Office decorations Office decorations bring pizazz […]

PWF Quick Tip- Audit Log

In this week’s blog post we take you through the Audit Log function! The Audit Log allows management to check in on Staff activity, and view any changes made to projects and tasks; time tracked and even deleted tasks. Once logged into Proworkflow: Click on the Settings tab at the top You will be navigated to […]

Taking the Sting out of Criticism

Taking the sting out of feedback is difficult, but it is crucial for self-development. Often criticism is difficult to swallow because it initially can appear as a threat to our brains. We become protective and we’re inclined to go out of our way to make sure we’re in the right. Unfortunately, we can’t always be right, so […]

PWF Quick Tip- Master View of all Projects.

Ever wanted to get an overall visual view of all active and upcoming projects? ProWorkflow has you covered with this feature tucked in the Timeline page that allows you to see a number of Gantt style charts together on the same page. Once logged into Proworkflow: Click on the Time tab at the top You […]

Developing Habits That Stick

Like waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth or getting ready in the morning all these activities are all part of a routine.To successfully adopt a new habit you need to go beyond willpower and saying you want to change. A tendency or a habit doesn’t become a characteristic or instinctive unless you train […]

ProWorkflow Invoice and Quotes Logo Update

To start the new month, ProWorkflow’s back with another update and we wanted to let you guys know! What’s New? We’ve updated the image quality for when you upload your company logo to the Quotes and Invoices section. Now on your generated Quotes and Invoices, your company logo will be crisper and clearer.     You […]

PWF Quick Tip- Configuring Your Time Sheet Page

This week’s quick tip is all about showing you a hidden feature that you might have missed on our Timesheet Page. When you’re adding time records on the Time Sheet Page, dragging the correct time increment is hard, but ProWorkflow makes it easy by doing it for you with Time Rounding!   Once logged into […]

The language of Customer Service

If Sales is what sparks customer engagement, then Customer Service is the art of nurturing the engagement and maintaining the relationship. In order to create a positive customer experience, knowing how to talk to customers is the first step. Let’s shed some light on how to foster a positive customer experience. . Be personable When […]

What’s Been Going On?

At ProWorkflow we’re always looking at ways to improve the tool and we’re passionate about giving our users a better user experience. Reporting is one of our most widely accessed areas of ProWorkflow. So we wanted to make our reporting function even easier and more flexible to use. This will be more than just a […]