What features should the ideal project management tool have?

When it comes to Project Management Tools, there is no lack of choice. Having options is a good thing… until it gets overwhelming. A search on Quora quickly reveals this is exactly the case for Project Management Software. People can see the benefit, but where do you start your search? So many choices! Once the […]

Top Tips to Improve your Marketing Project Management

As much as we hate to say it, thе mаrkеting induѕtrу is notorious for being cut throat, аnd ѕuссеѕѕ iѕ hard-earned.  Standing out in a world that is rapidly changing is difficult for anybody.  Competing with multinational competitors that have bottomless budgets means we need to be smarter. Clients think they know what they want… until they change their minds. It’s fair to say […]

Working from Home at ProWorkflow-Ashlee’s Story

Just like so many of you, the ProWorkflow Team is currently working from home. And just like for most of you, at times, the transition is an interesting one. We hope Ashlee’s story will put a smile to your face.  5.30am–Silence. 7.30am–Kids wake up.  7.40am–Kids want to help me work.  7.45am–Pass kids to husband.   Thankfully […]

7 Things that Help in Times of Anxiety.

 If you are experiencing anxiety, stress, fear and worry, you’re not alone.  It’s a very natural response to the global pandemic. Even people with a high stress threshold and excellent coping techniques need to step up their game at the moment. 

5 Reasons why Tracking Time can save Money

Tracking time is considered a tedious job by many. But it’s an important one. As a matter of fact, it’s a lot more important than most people realize, and not just for the reasons you think it is.  Knowing how many hours each person spends on a task (whether or not it is billable) is the magical tool to […]

On the Road to Excellence: a few small Tweaks

You may have heard the saying:  ‘Excellence is not a destination. It’s a continuous journey that never ends’.  As you probably know by now, we have a strong commitment to continuously improve our Project management software. Sometimes with leaps and bounds forward, sometimes with a bit of love and attention in just the right spots.  You may have noticed […]

Why are Gantt Charts so popular?

Working a complex project is not an easy undertaking. Budgets are tight, timelines are squeezed.  And then there are the stakeholders goals and expectations that need to be met. It’s crystal clear that there’s no way you can afford to drop the ball.  A complex project always means that every tiny task depends on something else. It doesn’t take […]

Best Practices for Collaboration Messaging

Anybody can tell you that effесtivе communication is one of the cornerstones for the success of аnу оrgаnizаtiоn.    But as much as we are aware of the importance, it’s also very easy to get it go wrong. There should be nothing haphazard about communication in business. We’ve all seen it happen where critical information is missed, lost, or ends up in the […]

10 Tips for getting ready faster in the morning

Richard Whately (an English flamboyant know-all who was one of the first to point out the talent in Jane Austen) famously said:   “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” 

History of Project Management Software

Project management goes a long way back.  It’s mindboggling when you consider the complexity a project such as the Great Pyramid of Giza must have been. The pyramids were designed roughly around 2570 BC, and people are still arguing how they completed such a huge project.  The Great Wall of China is no different. It was developed in 208 BC. We […]