5 Proven Ways to Cope with Change in the Workplace

Change is part of life.  We all know this, yet most of us strongly resist change. I’m sure it’s not just me who thinks that everything seems to be changing even at a faster rate these days. Everything is transient and businesses are not spared from the topsy-turvy effect change has on our daily lives. 

Phasing out IE11 support

As you are probably aware, Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is the eleventh and final version of the Internet Explorer web browser by Microsoft. Microsoft are no longer actively developing Internet Explorer, replacing it with Microsoft Edge as their default web browser. This means many new web features are not being supported in Internet Explorer and that limits the functionality that […]

How can you optimize workflow in a project management tool?

Last week, we posted the following quote on Social Media:  Understand flow and process of your projects to avoid them spinning out of control.  The response was lots of nods of agreement. Clearly, this is something that resonates with our followers. So how does workflow (or ‘flow’ as we called it) relate to good project management? And […]

Looking over the fence: Randomosity Records case study

Today, when you contact Randomosity Records, you can be certain that you will get a prompt reply. Bookings are followed up and projects are finished as planned. The company aims for nothing less than a big thumbs up in anything they take on. That’s thanks to Joel Simpson and his partner Jen Ashley from Randomosity Records. The years and years […]

Another V9 update: Small changes, big impact.

When we did our big V9 update last month, we pledged it wasn’t the end of the Proworkflow improvements we had in the pipeline for you. Today, we are making good on our promise. We’re introducing some small changes that can make a big difference to your ProWorkflow experience. 

Top 7 Time Tracking Tips

Picture this.  You’re managing a project. A deadline is screaming bright red on your project management dashboard. You’re frustrated with contractors who appear to be struggling with allocating time in a reliable way. A few of them fail to track time accurately. The cost of missed deadlines and milestones is keeping you up at night. And you […]

How to use our new Project Management Reports?

It’s been an exciting few weeks, with updates coming thick and fast. We’ve talked about the UI changes and now it’s time that our new project management reports got their time in the limelight! So what’s new?

PWF Quick Tip- Category Colors

Those with their eye on the ball may have noticed that we recently released several new features, one of which was the hotly requested color coordination for our Categories feature. In all the excitement, some of you may be wondering where exactly you can access these features! It’s very simple, all you need to do […]

5 Great Ways To Show Your Gratitude To The Team

It’s a very small thing to say thank you to the people who are in your life, yet in the workplace gratitude is sometimes hard to come by. While a paycheck at the end of the week is the reason that your employees clock in from 9 to 5, in a modern hiring environment it’s […]

10 Essential Skills a Project Manager Must Have

Anyone who has told you project management is a straightforward job has likely never attempted to complete a project in their life.Not only is project management not a straightforward job, it’s a whole series of not straightforward jobs involving the inception, outlining, implementing, supervising, and wrapping up of many different tasks.On top of that all […]