Top Tips to Improve your Marketing Project Management

As much as we hate to say it, thе mаrkеting induѕtrу is notorious for being cut throat, аnd ѕuссеѕѕ iѕ hard-earned.  Standing out in a world that is rapidly changing is difficult for anybody.  Competing with multinational competitors that have bottomless budgets means we need to be smarter. Clients think they know what they want… until they change their minds. It’s fair to say […]

How to manage Scope Creep in Project Management

Scope Creep is the stuff Project Management nightmares are made of. Project Managers don’t like scope creep because it makes the project and everything that goes with it (budget, resources, client expectations, timeline, etc.) utterly unpredictable.  What is Scope Creep?  PMI defines scope creep as ‘Adding additional features or functions of a new product, requirements, or work that is not […]

7 Things that Help in Times of Anxiety.

 If you are experiencing anxiety, stress, fear and worry, you’re not alone.  It’s a very natural response to the global pandemic. Even people with a high stress threshold and excellent coping techniques need to step up their game at the moment. 

How to work productively while being in isolation?

It’s an understatement to say we’re currently living in challenging times with the current COVID-19 outbreak.  Many of us who usually commute to work are now working from home, and it can be quite an adjustment. While most of us are no doubt grateful that we have that possibility in the first place, it also comes with its […]

Best Practices for Collaboration Messaging

Anybody can tell you that effесtivе communication is one of the cornerstones for the success of аnу оrgаnizаtiоn.    But as much as we are aware of the importance, it’s also very easy to get it go wrong. There should be nothing haphazard about communication in business. We’ve all seen it happen where critical information is missed, lost, or ends up in the […]

An abundance of options: The New Projects Board

Lovers of Kanban, Agile, and all things Trello-esque are in for a Top-Day because we just released a new Projects Board that will be right up your alley.  It’s a prelude to the even more exciting ProWorkflow Task Kanban that will see the light of day in a few months.  In the meantime, we’re testing the waters […]

Why the Critical Path in your Project Management Software is important.

One of the less discussed features in a good project managers arsenal is the ‘Critical Path’ of a Project. That’s probably because we don’t tend to spend too much time calculating the critical path by hand but rather we consult it as a part of the Gantt Chart in our Project Management Software. It doesn’t make it any less […]