Lovers of Kanban, Agile, and all things Trello-esque are in for a Top-Day because we just released a new Projects Board that will be right up your alley.  It’s a prelude to the even more exciting ProWorkflow Task Kanban that will see the light of day in a few months. 

In the meantime, we’re testing the waters with the new Projects Board, which is in essence a highly visual vertical column representation of our Projects Page

But let’s give you a quick show-around. 

What you see is what you get

Juggling projects, time is always of essence, so we made sure that all the essential information you need is available for you to consult in the blink of an eye. 

Keeping up with any changes

But our new Projects Board also allows you to make some quick changes. 

So we say, give the new Projects Board a whirl if it looks like it might work for you. If not, the Projects Page is a great alternative and both options will remain available to give you the choice. 

Let us know what you think.