Why are Gantt Charts so popular?

Working a complex project is not an easy undertaking. Budgets are tight, timelines are squeezed.  And then there are the stakeholders goals and expectations that need to be met. It’s crystal clear that there’s no way you can afford to drop the ball.  A complex project always means that every tiny task depends on something else. It doesn’t take […]

Why your Project Management Software Calendar is better

As a Project Manager, having a busy schedule is about as certain as it gets.  To keep on top of all the site visits, staff meetings, client emails and tasks that need to be done, an intuitive and visual calendar is a non-negotiable.  A traditional calendar is perfect as a straightforward day planner, but it’s terrible for planning and visualizing what’s […]

New Kanban Board, Task Dependencies and Task Categories on the Cards

Another year, another chapter.  With our feet now firmly in 2020, we thought it was time to give you a glimpse into some exciting things Proworkflow has planned for the first part of the year ahead.  Considering every company is unique, being able to offer highly capable and customizable ProWorkflow features is very important to […]

Top 3 Things you want to see on the Dashboard of a Project Management Tool.

Imagine you are a Project Manager and you’re walking in to your office in the morning. After you’ve found your first mug of coffee, you turn on your computer. It’s logical that the first thing you would want to know is: what do I have to do today? You want to know whether your projects are on […]

Here’s to a Happy 2020!

It’s almost time to pop the champagne, put on our party hats, and celebrate all that we have done in 2019! And what a year it has been!  In the last year, Bill Sutherland took over the steering of the ProWorkflow ship and we rolled out our long anticipated UI and Reports update.  As for 2020, we’ve got some exciting things planned […]

7 Benefits of a SaaS Project Management Software Application

Cloud-based services are everywhere and Project Management Software is no exception. While some people still have their reservations, there are some really convincing benefits that are hard to ignore.  1.    Easy access anywhere in the world, on any device.   These days, teams are not necessarily all in the same office space. They may not even be in the same country. […]

What does ROI in Project Management mean?

When people talk about ROI, they generally refer to a monetary comparison between the one investment versus other options.  A simple look at the formula to calculate ROI in Project Management confirms this.  Yet, improved performance and efficiency can translate in a variety of ways that may or may not result in a difference in size of your […]

4 Tips to Optimize Team Collaboration

In a world that is increasingly competitive, the pressure is on for businesses.  Unless you run a highly automated business or you operate a one-man band, the way your team interacts with each other is rather important. A team that combines forces on a high level is a certain ticket to success.  So how do […]