Kanban, Scrum, Agile, what’s in a name?
Demands on business has changed a lot. For many of us, gone are the days where the idea of ‘Plan the work, then work the plan’ saw us through. If you want to build a product that stays in line with customer demands, then you have to rethink how the team responds to customer feedback. That’s why many […]
How to avoid Task Dependencies from going Wrong in 7 Easy Steps
Benjamin Franklin understood that time is the most precious resource when managing a project. That’s probably because he knows a thing or two about deadlines. He famously said: “You may delay, but time will not.” His project? Get the Declaration of Independence signed before the English set foot on the American shores. If there ever […]
Drum Roll for the New Task Dependencies!
This is a day that many of you have been waiting for, if you’re a musician then perhaps you can give us a drum roll! Task Dependencies have arrived!
ProWorkflow Pro Tip- How to make Optimal Use of the Task Management System?
When it comes to Task Management Systems and ProWorkflow, there is a lot to be said. Depending on how you run your business , you have lots of options to manage Tasks in ProWorkflow. That’s because different businesses have different needs and what works for you doesn’t necessarily work for the business down the road. The more efficient you can manage Tasks, the more the […]