Custom Fields just got a lot more customizable!
We’ve had custom fields in our Advanced Plan for a long time, they’ve been a great way to track extra information for your Projects but they were also limited to just a list of options and that meant they didn’t always offer the flexibility customers needed. In today’s release we’ve given custom fields the freedom they’ve been […]
When a Kanban Board and Project Management are a great match.
It’s a matter of weeks until we can start trumpeting about the new ProWorkflow Kanban Board. The vibe we are getting is that many of our clients are just as excited about this as we are. So in anticipation to the big day, we thought it was a good idea to have a look at […]
On the Road to Excellence: a few small Tweaks
You may have heard the saying: ‘Excellence is not a destination. It’s a continuous journey that never ends’. As you probably know by now, we have a strong commitment to continuously improve our Project management software. Sometimes with leaps and bounds forward, sometimes with a bit of love and attention in just the right spots. You may have noticed […]
Little ProWorkflow tweaks to make your life a little better
If you have been a ProWorkflow client for a while, you know we welcome your feedback and request for improvements. We’ve definitely been busy in the last few weeks, and we’re not about to stop anytime soon. It hasn’t been long since we introduced the new Detailed Project Report to send to your clients or customers. But we have […]
An abundance of options: The New Projects Board
Lovers of Kanban, Agile, and all things Trello-esque are in for a Top-Day because we just released a new Projects Board that will be right up your alley. It’s a prelude to the even more exciting ProWorkflow Task Kanban that will see the light of day in a few months. In the meantime, we’re testing the waters […]
The New Detailed Project Report is made to be seen
I’m probably not disclosing a secret when I say that the ProWorkflow Detailed Project Report is one of our more used reports. It’s especially popular to update or summarize in detail to customers or clients on a single project. Because of customer involvement, it needs to not only cover all the necessary information, but it also has to be […]
Why the Critical Path in your Project Management Software is important.
One of the less discussed features in a good project managers arsenal is the ‘Critical Path’ of a Project. That’s probably because we don’t tend to spend too much time calculating the critical path by hand but rather we consult it as a part of the Gantt Chart in our Project Management Software. It doesn’t make it any less […]
New Kanban Board, Task Dependencies and Task Categories on the Cards
Another year, another chapter. With our feet now firmly in 2020, we thought it was time to give you a glimpse into some exciting things Proworkflow has planned for the first part of the year ahead. Considering every company is unique, being able to offer highly capable and customizable ProWorkflow features is very important to […]
Here’s to a Happy 2020!
It’s almost time to pop the champagne, put on our party hats, and celebrate all that we have done in 2019! And what a year it has been! In the last year, Bill Sutherland took over the steering of the ProWorkflow ship and we rolled out our long anticipated UI and Reports update. As for 2020, we’ve got some exciting things planned […]
Reporting: How to move from a New User to a Power User in 6 Minutes?
At ProWorkflow, we strongly believe that reporting doesn’t need to be complicated and time consuming, but also that it needs to work for you personally. After a few pointers to get you started, you will find the new reporting extremely easy and useful.