10 Tips for getting ready faster in the morning

Richard Whately (an English flamboyant know-all who was one of the first to point out the talent in Jane Austen) famously said:   “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.” 

An abundance of options: The New Projects Board

Lovers of Kanban, Agile, and all things Trello-esque are in for a Top-Day because we just released a new Projects Board that will be right up your alley.  It’s a prelude to the even more exciting ProWorkflow Task Kanban that will see the light of day in a few months.  In the meantime, we’re testing the waters […]

9 Reasons why Creative Teams love ProWorkflow Project Management Software

There usually is no lack of passion for what they do when it comes to the average creative team.  It’s what binds them. But they equally share some frustrations that seem to come with the industry:  Never ending customer demands, tight-strapped resources, timeframes that are too close for comfort, chaos in the studio that has passed […]

Why the Critical Path in your Project Management Software is important.

One of the less discussed features in a good project managers arsenal is the ‘Critical Path’ of a Project. That’s probably because we don’t tend to spend too much time calculating the critical path by hand but rather we consult it as a part of the Gantt Chart in our Project Management Software. It doesn’t make it any less […]

Why your Project Management Software Calendar is better

As a Project Manager, having a busy schedule is about as certain as it gets.  To keep on top of all the site visits, staff meetings, client emails and tasks that need to be done, an intuitive and visual calendar is a non-negotiable.  A traditional calendar is perfect as a straightforward day planner, but it’s terrible for planning and visualizing what’s […]

How Kaizen Helps you Boost Efficiency in Project Management

Here’s a thought: how fantastic would it be to boost efficiency in project management in a very straight-forward manner,  simply through taking a slightly different approach and through consistently applying a tried and tested method for improvement? A few weeks ago, while reading up on risk management in project management, I was reminded of the Kaizen Methodology. While widespread and […]

5 Critical Things you should do to manage Risk in Project Management

Risk management is and should be an integrative part of project management. It’s so crucial, many companies will throw in a few questions during an interview with a potential new project manager. They want to make sure he or she has got their ducks in a row when it comes to avoiding risks that can have massive […]