How to Seamlessly Transition to ProWorkflow: A Step-by-Step Guide 

How to Seamlessly Transition to ProWorkflow: A Step-by-Step Guide Transitioning to a new project management tool can be daunting, but with ProWorkflow, we make it simple. This step-by-step guide will ensure a smooth migration, helping you take full advantage of ProWorkflow’s powerful features. ​   Preparation and Planning  Evaluate Your Current System:  Identify what’s working and […]

Feature Improvement: Phases

Feature Improvement: Phases What’s happening?  We’re thrilled to share some exciting updates to ProWorkflow. These changes are all about giving you better insights and a more modular control over your workflows. Let’s dive into what’s new and how it can enhance your experience. You may recall that recently, we made an improvement to our Header […]

Feature Improvement: Project Page Layout Settings

What’s happening? We’re thrilled to share some exciting updates to ProWorkflow. These changes are all about giving you greater control and making navigation even more straightforward. Let’s dive into what’s new and how it can enhance your experience. What’s in It for You? This update is about giving you that extra level of control and […]

New Feature Announcement: Recurring Projects & Scheduled Sending for Reports

*Please note the official release date is the 25th of September. What’s happening? In fantastic news, the ‘Recurring Projects’ app is being integrated into our main tool! In even better news, similar functionality has been lent to the Reports tab; saved reports can now be sent to any listed contact on a repeated basis. What […]

Feature Improvement: Easier User & Access Management

We’ve made a small change to how Contacts are granted access and how passwords are set. These changes make ProWorkflow more secure, and easier to use than ever. Adding Contacts with Login Access For creating new users, you only need to allow them login access, and click ‘Save’. As soon as you’ve saved the new […]

New Feature Announcement: Clone a Project

What’s Happening You may be aware that ProWorkflow presently allows you to clone projects. You may also be aware that function is a little bit hard to locate, and can sometimes leave a little to be desired. To remedy this, we have rebuilt that tool, and relocated it to the main app! This means you’ll […]

ProWorkflow: A Workflow Max Alternative

Hey there, If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance you’re an existing customer of Workflow Max, and youre looking for something else to use in light of the news that they are shutting down. In short, this post exists to introduce you to ProWorkflow. We’re a New Zealand-based company that has been in […]

Feature Improvement: Tax-Free Status Customisation

This year, we want to improve ProWorkflows customization abilities, and to this effort, we’ve made a very small change in how taxes are expressed in Quotes & Invoices. For NGOs everywhere, but especially in Europe, taxes can be very specific. In many cases, there is perhaps a lower rate, or even a special status one […]