Hey there!

ProWorkflow would like to announce its newest update: a domain update! Effectively, your account URL will be changing in early Q4 of this year.

Why are we doing this?

Firstly, it will aid in all number of security measures, as it will include a new authentication model that will add yet another layer of security for your ProWorkflow stored data. As well as that, you’ll see consistent access to all ProWorkflow apps, as they’ll all be on the same domain (you may have noticed the profitability app for instance is located on https://apps.proworkflow.net/profitability/). For heavy users of the apps, this will mean a more seamless transition and faster access.

What does this mean for you?

As for how this change will be expressed, you’ll note your existing account URL falls into the format of https://proworkflow4.net/xxxx , with the x’s representing your account name. This will change to simply https://app.proworkflow.com/xxxx , with the set of x’s continuing to represent your account name.

If your current URL was https://proworkflow4.net/CompanyABC, your new URL would be https://app.proworkflow.com/CompanyABC.

How will the change be executed?

If you’re at all concerned about this change causing confusion, please don’t be! Any attempts to visit your old URL once this change has been implemented will result in a messaging linking to your new URL. All your organisation will need to do is ensure any personal or shared bookmarks you’ve made of your ProWorkflow account will need to be updated. Also, it’s worth checking any password managers you currently have to ensure that ProWorkflow credentials are updated as well. Everything within your account will be the same as it was before the change.

We can appreciate any concerns you might have about this change, so if something is worrying you, feel free to reach out to our Customer Experience team at subscriptions@proworkflow.com and we can answer any questions you have.