Hot on the heels of the last update, we’ve got some new features for our awesome preview customers to try out. If you haven’t tried out the new Reports yet, then now is a great time to ask your Account Manager for access.  

PDF Exports 

The first of our export options is finished, look out for Excel exports coming in the near future. We’ve added some smart technology to automatically resize your reports so they fit nicely on portrait or landscape orientation, but we’d love you to test the limits! 


The previous release added the ability to save reports, now you can share your masterpiece with the rest of your team. They can run the report as it is or tweak it and save their own version to use in the future. 

Renaming Fields 

This is a great feature for those customers who might use different terms to our main application or just want to tweak field/column names to make your report easier for your audience to understand. Don’t forget that you can add & remove fields as well as reordering them so make that report you’ve always dreamed of! 

What’s coming next? 

We’ve got some tweaks & improvements to work on, as well as some pesky bugs that need squashing. After that we’re moving on to Excel exports and adding more reports to the template library so keep an eye on the blog for more updates. 

Want to try it? 

We’re looking for more customers to participate in our preview testing so just let us know and your account manager will get in touch to enable access for you. 

We’re currently running internal workshops that will shape the future of ProWorkflow, watch this space for more updates!