You may remember header tasks recently being updated with a collapse feature. Further to that, we have just released a new feature, exclusive to our Project Details Page: Header Roll-Up Summaries.

Header tasks are a natural way to group your related tasks together. As an extension of this feature, we’ve allowed header tasks to hold summary data for the following fields:

  1. Time Allocated | How much time have I allocated to this section of the project?
  2. Time Spent | How much time have we spent on this section so far?
  3. Budget | What was the budget allocation for this portion of the project?
  4. Burn | What does our tracked time mean when translated into dollars?

This means that for any given section of a project that you have defined with a header task, you’ll be able to see how much time that entire section was allocated, how much time has been spent on it as far, and what the financial implications of that section are.

This summary function works very nicely with the collapsible element of header tasks. This provides a nice way to view summary data for all Sections.

This header roll up task works for header tasks placed in both the 1st task order, or in other words, cannot be a subtask. Header tasks will provide summaries for any information in the order below them, e.g. header task 1.0 will sum up all-time tracked and allocated in sub-tasks 1.1, 1.2 as well as 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 and any other sub-tasks until 2.0.

Keep in mind, this is going to provide summary data to anyone who can see the header task and time related information. Often, this would include clients, so it may be worth reviewing your client’s permissions in some cases.

You’ll also notice that any time you have a filtered view (e.g. My Work, a tag filter), summary information will always display the total for its section, even when that section is partially or totally hidden.

There is a small consideration to make here; as you may be aware, header tasks have never been capable of holding tracked time due to their function of being more of a divider than a workable item in and of themselves. Going forward, you will not be able to turn a task into a header task if it contains tracked time, or allocated time. This is just to ensure none of that data is accidentally deleted as a mistake.

To surmise, tasks cannot become header tasks if they:

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