Recurring task management is a handy addition that can save a lot of time if you have common recurring tasks that would otherwise need to be added manually. For example if a ‘Work In Progress’ meeting is required every week (day, or month) during the life of your project, you can add this as a recurring task within the project. The recurring task tool will create a task each week until the end of that project, and these tasks will appear on the task list and calendar of any user assigned.

To add recurring tasks go to the Project Page. Open the ‘Add/Edit Task’ popup and select the ‘Add Recurring Task’ button.


From here define the task name, start date, due date, recurrence pattern (Daily, Weekly or Monthly), and the recurrence range (or end date of the recurrence). You can then add a task description, staff assigned, allocate a time frame, etc. The title of your task can include variables which may help identify the task in task lists and calendars. The variable options can be viewed by rolling over the ‘?’ at the right of the ‘Title’ field.

When you have defined all the details for the tasks, simply click the clip_image003 button and all the tasks will display for approval. Simply click the Done! button to save the tasks and they will populate within the project. Easy!
