Many of you will know that ProWorkflow are based in New Zealand and like many countries we’ve spent the last 6 weeks working from home and staying in our bubbles.

We’re fortunate that we were able to switch to remote-working seamlessly and with the help of co-workers and families (and our own PM tool) we’ve been able to keep supporting our customers and working on new features.

So, hot on the heels of our last update, we’ve got a new release today and it has a little bit of everything!

Tag Takeover

You’ve told us how much you loved Task Tags (we do too!) so this release spreads that Tag magic even wider.

First off, Tags are available for Projects! Jump into the Settings area, add some colors and start tagging! They work just like Task Tags so keyboard shortcuts are also available to save you some clicks.

It’s not just Projects who had some Tag envy, Task Templates had gone all green-eyed as well so we’ve let them join in the fun. Now you can add Tags in your templates and they’ll get pulled straight through to your Projects.

Lastly, whilst we’ll have full integration with Reports in an update soon, in this release it’s now possible to use Tags to filter your work on the Project and Task Archive:

 As well as the Calendar and Timeline pages:

One Task – Two clicks!

The Task board has changed how we work at ProWorkflow, so much that we just can’t help adding more Tasks! To speed that up, we’ve added an “Add Quick Task” link in each of the lists so you can add work on the fly.

All you need is the name of the Task and you’re good to go, how about that for a time-saver?

Project Purchase Order Numbers

Talking of time-savers, here’s another one! You can now add those essential PO Numbers to your Projects directly and any future invoices you make will automatically pull the number through.

We got a whole lot of history!

Our dev team snuck this in when we weren’t looking and it’s a doozy! Head on over to the Contacts Page and you’ll see a new Historic Activity tab for all of your clients. You can find all of the Projects and Tasks you’ve ever done for them, relive some old memories or get inspiration for new marketing campaigns!